What We Believe In

At Shine On, yes we sell amazing clothes and our team all love fashion, but to be honest that's not really what excites us or drives us.

We get excited when we see our business hold true to our beliefs and have a positive influence all the people that come into contact with it - our customers, our team members, our suppliers and even our competitors!


Click each belief to learn more.

Every Woman Is Beautiful

Firstly, we believe that every woman is beautiful, and has the right to feel positive about themselves and their appearance. In the presence of traditional images of beauty portrayed by popular culture, the media and advertising, too many ladies feel inadequate and hate how they look, or hate things about themselves. We believe that beauty comes from within. It comes from having a kind and generous heart and spreading positivity to everyone you come into contact with. That’s what we love about the VIP group and what that’s become and what it stands for. So many of you have taken the first step in a long time to put yourself out there on the group with confidence, knowing that you will be loved and supported.

Women should be each other's cheerleaders

Secondly, we believe that women's greatest supporters, most loyal friends and relentless cheerleaders can and should be other women. We believe women should build each other up because they are the only ones who know exactly what it's like to be pulled in a million directions by others and held to unachievable standards of perfection. That’s why we love seeing the positivity and the relationships and the friendships being formed through Shine On. We love to see and hear about the increased confidence that many of you get from being involved with Shine On - from your first nervous post to your amazing video reviews. We are particularly excited about the growth in regional groups and a chance for ladies to meet each other in person and possibly make some lifelong friends.

Created with Sketch.

Businesses should give back

Thirdly, we believe that in the same way that many people give freely of their time, business has as an obligation to give back to the society in which it operates and owes it's existence to. We believe business owners will be happier if they give back not just when they grow old and rich and wonder what it was all about. Instead, if they give back as they grow their businesses, they will find happiness and a sense of purpose. Team members will feel fulfilled and love their work if they know that what they do counts - whether it be packing a parcel or serving a customer with a smile, they will do it with everything they have - and this will flow over into their lives and the way they lead them.

We love that so many of you share our beliefs and that’s why you are “Shiners”.

Thank you for supporting us here at Shine On.